We’re thrilled to welcome new first years Olivia Duke, Derek Hu, Chenxi Lin, and Elijah Marris to the Schomaker Group!
Welcome Zhen-Yao!
Zhen-Yao Dai is our newest Postdoc in the group, Welcome Zhen-Yao!
Welcome Kyeongdeok!
The Schomaker lab is pleased to welcome its newest Postdoc, Kyeongdeok Seo!
Congratulation Dr. Ward
Big congratulations to Dr. Robert Ward, Ph.D. #21 from the Schomaker group!! Best of luck in your future endeavors!
Congratulation Dr. Vine
Big congrats to Dr. Logan Vine! Fantastic job over the past 4 challenging years- we’ll miss your drive and intellectual curiosity, but know you’ll do great things at Cogent Biosciences!!
Congratulation Dr. Nicastri
Congratulation to the new Schomaker group Ph.D., Dr. Kate Nicastri! Looking forward to all the great science you will accomplish at Takeda!!
Welcome Isaac!
Isaac Choi is our newest Postdoc in the group, Welcome Isaac!
Congratulation Professor Jennifer Schomaker-Cope Scholar Award
Congratulation to Professor Jen Schomaker on her well-deserved success for recognition as an Arthur C. Cope Award!
Welcome Julia and Wen!
The Schomaker lab is pleased to welcome its newest Postdocs, Julia Duncan and Wen Liu!
NIH Postdoc Fellowship
Congrats to Julia Duncan, our newest post-doc for receiving an NIH postdoc fellowship!